How do we promote 21st Century Skills to our students? Skills like critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity and design engaging activities in the classroom.
One of the most inviting activities that my students look forward is connecting to other classes around the globe through Skype in the classroom. We share, collaborate and communicate with other classes in Asia, Europe and in the United States. Every time we have a connection, they are very engaged and excited to exchange ideas about culture, tradition, education, geography, and other relevant topics. Often, we play in a game called Mystery Skype.
Have you tried connecting with other classes around the globe?
3 things to get you started with Skype in the Classroom.
1. Install Skype in your desktop or laptop. Skype is a telecommunications application software that provides video chat, voice calls and instant messaging between computers and mobile devices via the Internet and to regular telephones. You can download it free here.

2. Register and create an account in Microsoft Educator Community (MEC). The Microsoft Educator Community is a free professional learning platform designed to support and train educators for teaching and learning. You will find courses, resources, training, and lessons; earn badges and certificates to become a Microsoft Innovate Educator. Read my post on becoming a Microsoft Innovative Educator.
3. Join in different Skype Communities on Facebook. I find it easier to look for a class connection on Facebook than in MEC. Just make sure you log your activity in Skype in the Classroom Registration on your MEC profile to gain miles traveled. Below are two Facebook groups on Skype related activities.
Aside from connecting with other classes, there are other Skype activities in MEC that you can try with your students. Click this link.
Have fun and let your students acquire 21st century skills!