Climate Action – Extreme Weather COIL

As an educator deeply committed to fostering global citizenship and addressing environmental challenges, I had another month-long Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project with National Tung-Shih Senior High School in Taiwan on Climate Action – Extreme Weather Project. This COIL project is our second collaboration after EcoScape this school year.

Cultivating Cross-Cultural Connections

Like any past projects I had with NTSS, the main objective of this Climate Action COIL is to deepen students’ understanding of climate resilience and cultivate empathy, mutual respect, and a sense of shared responsibility. We started planning with Teacher Michelle Li and two other educators from Taiwan, teachers Yuri and Eunice, last November. We also designed this COIL project to enhance students’ communication skills, critical thinking, and creativity. Furthermore, it is timely that my curriculum in Disaster Risk Reduction includes hydrometeorological hazards.

Crafting a Collaborative Learning Journey

After several exchanges and finalizing our schedule, we engaged our students in synchronous and asynchronous sessions to encourage active participation, critical thinking, and collaborative problem-solving. We created virtual learning environments where students can share ideas, explore different perspectives, and co-create knowledge. We used various platforms for the groups, such as Class2Class, WhatsApp, Canva, and Flipgrid.

Exploring the Extreme Weather

The student’s exploration centered on understanding the multifaceted nature of climate resilience and its implications for communities facing extreme weather events. They conducted research and surveys and gathered firsthand accounts from students from Taiwan and the Philippines. Together, students explored the differences between typhoons, droughts, high temperatures, and rainstorms, recognizing the interconnectedness of these phenomena and the need for holistic solutions.

Innovating Solutions for a Sustainable Future

With knowledge and insights gained through various ways and collaborative discussions, students explored practical solutions to enhance climate resilience in vulnerable communities. From creating prototype solutions to promoting community-based adaptation initiatives, students demonstrated creativity, ingenuity, and a deep commitment to making a positive impact. As a teacher, witnessing students’ passion and dedication to creating a more sustainable future was truly inspiring.

Fostering Global Citizenship and Empathy

Beyond the academic exploration of extreme weather resilience, this COIL collaboration provided a platform for students to engage in meaningful cross-cultural exchange and dialogue. Our first session shared each country’s unique culture, history, and delicacies. Through this, students gained a deeper appreciation for the cultural, social, and historical contexts shaping perspectives on environmental challenges. As a teacher, I encouraged students to approach these conversations with curiosity, humility, and a willingness to learn from one another, fostering empathy and understanding across borders.


Reflecting on the Journey Ahead

As we culminated the Climate Action project, we saw similar impacts of our shared learning journey. Among the key lessons learned are:

  1. The Power of Collaboration: Collaborative learning transcends geographical boundaries, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and empathy among students from diverse backgrounds.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding cultural differences is essential for developing practical solutions to environmental challenges, as cultural perspectives influence perceptions and responses to climate-related risks.
  3. Global Citizenship: COIL initiatives like ours are crucial in nurturing global citizenship and empowering students to become proactive agents of change in their communities and beyond.
  4. The Role of Educators: As facilitators, educators have a responsibility to create inclusive learning environments where students feel empowered to voice their ideas, engage in meaningful dialogue, and collaborate towards shared goals.

Embracing the Journey Ahead

As I look ahead to future collaborations and opportunities for international learning, I am filled with optimism and hope for students’ impact in creating a more sustainable and resilient world. 

As educators, we are responsible for nurturing students’ curiosity, creativity, and compassion, empowering them to become active participants in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future for all. 

If you have exciting projects in mind, I am interested in partnering with you! Please send me an email or contact me.


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