What is a MOOC?
Massive Open Online Course or MOOC are courses offered online using Open Education Resources and is open to anyone interested in learning. Online learning is now becoming a trend in professional development. Popular sites such as Courseara, Edx and Canvas are offering both free and paid courses for almost all subjects from Accounting to Technology.
If you have not
Participation in MOOCs are voluntary and no monetary exchange is involved. Besides being free, others still fail to successfully complete it. If you are a beginner MOOCer these 5 Strategies will help you succeed in your MOOC journey.

5 Strategies to Succeed in MOOC
1.Set a regular time Schedule. Keep a regular study time each week as required by the course. This will allow you not to get behind the course schedule. You can be easily distracted by the different activities around and can easily miss deadlines.
2. Treat MOOC as a regular course. Do all
3. Participate in the forum or discussions. More learning occurs during interactions with other participants. Share your experiences and learn from other learner’s experience and take advantage of every opportunity to do so.
4. Ask questions. Every participant is encouraged to ask questions regarding the topics or activities in the course. Instructors want to help and they want students to succeed. When you ask questions, be clear and concise in your communication.
5. Join a MOOC Camp. MOOC Camps
Online learning is rewarding as well as it is challenging. But with a sound strategy for learning, I am sure that you can be successful online.
If you have other tips to share or questions, please share it below in the comments.
very informative, salmat kuya Sir for. this.